Autonomie Express has been designed for researchers to evaluate the impact of transportation technologies on energy consumption. By selecting amongst 5000+ full vehicle models, engineers can develop realistic fleet of vehicles in combination with micro-simulation (e.g., AimSun, VISSIM, SUMO…) or meso-simulation (e.g., POLARIS) tools.

Autonomie Express vehicles have been designed to meet specific Vehicle Technical Specifications (e.g., performance, gradeability). Since the models are “ready-to-use”, typical users are interested in assessing the energy impact of technologies or policies when deployed at at scale (e.g., electrification, connectivity, automation, mode shift, congestion pricing, telecommuting…) rather than individual vehicle design. Autonomie Express is a full compiled version of Autonomie, providing 100x faster simulation.

Use Cases

  • Linkage with several micro-simulation tools (VISSIM, SUMO, AimSun)
  • Linkage with meso-simulation tool POLARIS through SVTrip
  • Vehicle technologies impact at scale: Full customization of fleet definition (e.g., vehicle classes, model years, BEV penetration…)


  • Few selected vehicle parameters (e.g., accessory loads)

Software Requirements


Contact us to learn more about Autonomie, request a demo, and explore licensing options. For legacy versions of Autonomie (Rev16SP7 and earlier), please contact VMS Licensing

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