This version was validated from Matlab R2017a to Matlab R2021b

New Workflow Features

Run a Vehicle

  • Parametric study now allows the specification of a range and the number of points to sweep over.
  • A new option to run using a library of prebuilt Simulink diagrams instead of rebuilding the Simulink diagram for each run was added to the ribbon as a checkbox called Use-PreBuilt Models
  • Now has an option to create and open a run file automatically for debugging.

Edit a Vehicle

  • The configuration selection dialog has been improved to show a preview picture of the powertrain. The dialog also has the configurations organized by groups and is searchable. This increases the speed by which a user can build their vehicle and choose their powertrain architectures.
  • A new create Eval File for Vehicle Button has been added to the Edit a Vehicle Tab on the ribbon. Using the file generated by clicking the button a user can more easily debug the eval file of their vehicle.
  • A new debug Vehicle Button has been added to the Edit a Vehicle Tab on the ribbon. Clicking this button will build the Simulink model for the vehicle and initialize the workspace with all of the variables to run their model. Click the play button the Simulink model to run their vehicle in Matlab.
  • A new Import Top Level Configuration Dialog was added to allow users to import their own top level diagrams as new vehicle level architectures.
  • The Vehicle System grid is how searchable for systems using display name. Type in the name of the system such as “controller” to find all controller blocks in the vehicle.
  • Added the ability to copy the system image to the clip board and paste it into reports. The user can take a copy of the powertrain from the vpa system and now paste it into a word document.
  • Metadata editor is now accessible directly from the ribbon.

Run Many Vehicles

  • The backend has been improved so that diagrams are rebuilt less frequently speeding up simulation runs.
  • Architecture Building - now supports additional subsystem block types such as the While Iterator blocks in the a_config file. Diagrams can be capture and imported into AMBER that have the While Iterator blocktype

Data Analysis

  • Improved energy analysis plots by adding watt-hr/mile

Improvements Common Across All Workflows

  • User can now choose the default node in any tree view. For instance, the active group in the Vehicle Selection Tree can be set.

Autonomie Model Library Updates

  • New BEV model with multiple motors
    • Ability to assign motors to front and rear axles, as well as have the vpc split the torque commands to each motor
    • Heavy duty vehicle example with separate torque reduction ratios for an electric drive train with two motors. The torque command to each motor is determined based on the vehicle oeprating conditions.
  • Distance based route improvements at low speed
  • EREV controller improvements.
  • HD & MD 48Volt system controller improvements
    • To ensure that the battery SOC is managed better even during long idle events
  • Config_ext folder was moved from the Autonomie release and into the RoadRunner release. Config_ext refer to configurations with external buses. These configurations are not used by Autonomie vehicles.

Bug Fixes

Workflow Issues

  • Issue with compilation workflow was resolved. The path where to save the executables was incorrect leading to a crash.
  • Issue with Cycle Statistics not appearing in the process tab was resolved
  • Various issues loading and changing configurations in the Vehicle Editor were resolved
  • Issue with changing models on the Run Many Vehicles workflow was resolved

Matlab Backend and Library Issues

  • Issue with drv_au.a_config not having the proper bus name was resolved
  • Issue with updating units in an analysis file called by the HTML report will running simulations in parallel was resolved. Changing user units via the api doesn’t automatically update the units .mat file. They are now separate actions.
  • Whitepace removed from metadata files causing issues with cloning
  • The configuration ctrl_with_cstr_trs_cmd.a_config had a degenerate bus reference removed which caused issues for bus tracing.