This version was validated from Matlab R2017a to Matlab R2023a

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New Workflow Features

File changes synchronizations

  • File changes are now synchronized throughout the AMBER UI. When a file is added, deleted, or modified, all the workflow UIs are automatically updated. E.g.: save a new vehicle or import a new file in a workflow and it’s immediately available in all the other workflow UIs.

Graphical View

  • Multiple workflows now integrate a navigable graphical view of the vehicle systems. That graphical view can also include context sensitive Parameters and Files grids which are filtered based on the currently selected system. The user can edit the vehicle Files and Parameters directly in those grids.

Trip Editor

  • This new workflow allows users to concatenate individual cycles graphically into a new one. The users can also add other schedule variables such as accessory power or vehicle cargo load and edit the values over the length of the trip.

Sizing Workflow

  • Several sizing algorithms have been included in this release for both Light-Duty vehicles and Medium- and Heavy-Duty vehicles. A user can specify the vehicle performance characteristics such as 0 to 60 mph time, maximum climbable grade at a given speed, maximum speed, maximum towing, maximum all electric range, etc., and the algorithm will run simulations to determine the appropriate component powers and energy.

Distributed library setting files

  • Each library now contains its own variable dictionary, System and Setting files. Only metadata for the variables used in that library are stored in its dictionary. This makes user libraries self-contained, shareable with others and can be completely source controlled. Information such as units, description, data type is stored in these library specific dictionaries.

Utility Workflows

  • New utility workflows were added to help with file and data management, including:
    • File Management
      • This workflow allows finding references between files and between files and parameters, e.g.: finding all files that use a specific parameter, or all vehicles using a specific initialization file…
    • Dictionary Management
      • This workflow allows management of all the dictionary information, including: Type, Description, map indices, no check parameter, differences between metadata files information and dictionaries…
    • Compare Vehicles
      • This new workflow allows users to quickly compare vehicles from a_vehicle files as well as from simulation results data.mat files.

AMBER Workflow/Application Management Updates

  • Message box on first run warning users when their Microsoft Windows environment is not set to en-US.
  • Updated icons and splash screen to represent new branding.

Autonomie Model Library Updates

  • The fuel properties of the default fuel used to compute the gasoline equivalent fuel consumption were updated to the EPA TIER III 87 AKI (E10) fuel HF437 for the all the Autonomie procedures including the legacy REV16SP7 procedures packaged with AMBER.
Fuel Property Old New in 2023
Density 0.742 kg/L 0.7464 kg/L
Lower Heating Value 43000000 J/kg 41580000 J/kg
  • Battery model updates needed for simulating charging events between trips.
  • FCHEV controller updates.
  • Distance based driver model updates to handle 24 hour long duty cycles.

Miscellaneous updates and Resolved Issues

Workflow Summary
Edit a Vehicle Added a browse button in the vehicle file selection dialog
Added Navigable Graphical View
Fixed issue with missing menu buttons
Fixed issue with wrong vehicle being loaded on first selection
Fixed issue with executable name not carried over to saved vehicle
Run Many Vehicles Units have been added to the process parameters
The graphical view now appears when clicking on each vehicle column.
Other various stability improvements
Data Analysis Distribution plot has been implemented.
Added Vehicle Comparison tab
Use Full System names for Energy and Efficiency tabs
Fixed issue with Plotting signals with NaN values
Fixed issue with loading data in CSV Grid
Fixed issue with drag and drop of parameters on result grid
MATLAB Backend/API Enhanced vehicle diffing, using the compare method on the pxfSystem class, a structure of differences between the xml of the two vehicle is returned.
A new faster pxfSystem interface has been included to speed up back-to-back simulations with the same vehicle. Pass ‘fast’ to the createInitUsingFileName to access this new faster interface.
Improvements in J1634 procedure allow for easier parallelization using a parfor loop. The internal simulation for the steadystate computation of the cycle now can use a saved diagram passed in using saved_model_path rather than always rebuilding the model.
New option to save results in single precision has been added when running cycles and procedures.